Tackle real-world problems
Take your foreign language studies a step further with our applied linguistics minor.
You’ll study how people acquire language, how best to teach it, how to translate in a culturally appropriate way and more-in a program that’s virtually unheard of at the undergraduate level.
This minor pairs perfectly with majors and minors in French, German, Italian and Spanish, or alongside courses in beginner-level Chinese. It helps integrate your study of language with another pursuit, such as business, communications, education and international relations.
You’ll apply what you know about language to real-world situations in such classes as:
- Psycholinguistics
- Second Language Acquisition
- Intercultural Communication
- English Language Learners
Stand out in the job market
You’ll get hands-on education and experiences to propel you into the job market.
Immerse yourself in another language and culture when you study abroad for a semester — and gain an international internship experience.
Whether you’re eyeing a career in education, medicine, law or another exciting field, you’ll get the edge you need to navigate language boundaries and build human connections. This minor will help open doors to a career as a bilingual journalist or healthcare worker, translator, interpreter, international banker or financial manager, law enforcement officer or teacher.
When you enroll at Susquehanna, you’ll be paired with an advisor and application tool to guide you in your course planning and scheduling. The following is an excerpt from the complete course catalog. Enrolled students follow the requirements of the course catalog for the academic year in which they declare each major and/or minor, consult with their advisor(s) and the Academic Planning Tool.
Minor in Applied Linguistics
Students with a minor in Applied Linguistics typically have a minor or major in a world language and must have reached intermediate-level proficiency in a language other than English (typically the completion of a 200-level course in a world language) to take courses in the program.
22 All minors in Applied Linguistics must complete the following:
4 LANG-300 Introduction to Applied Linguistics
2 LANG-504 Language and the Professions
16 semester hours chosen from the following courses:
4 ANTH-152 Public Culture
4 ANTH-162 Introduction to Anthropology
4 COMM- 194 Intercultural Communication
4 EDUC-350 English Language Learners: Theory and Instruction
4 FRNC-310 French/Francophone Literary and Cultural or Film Studies with the title of ‘French for Business’ or ‘Problems in French Translation’
4 FRNC-460 Seminar on French and Francophone Literature and Culture or Film with title of ‘French for Business’ or ‘Problems in French Translation’
4 LANG-350 Introduction to Linguistics
4 LANG-360 Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
4 PSYC-348 Psycholinguistics
Students must earn at least a C- in all minor courses and have a minimum GPA of 2.00 in the minor.
Double-counting Restriction for Interdisciplinary Minors
Only 8 semester hours of this minor may be double-counted toward the student’s major.
Please see the Academic Policies section of this catalog for information regarding language placement.
German 102 and Spanish 102
Students who do not complete the course in which they were placed within two years must retake the online language placement exam to determine their appropriate placement after the lapsed time.
Chinese, French and Italian 102
Students who do not complete the course in which they were placed within two years must contact the instructor to determine their appropriate placement after the lapsed time.
Applied Language Credit
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures encourages students who exempt the World Languages Central Curriculum requirement to continue their language study by enrolling in the course into which they have been placed at the 200-level or above. Upon successful completion of that course with a grade of B- or above, such students will earn a total of eight semester hours of credit: four semester hours for the upper-level course and four semester hours of (ungraded) applied language credit in recognition of their achievement. This policy does not apply to students who have previously earned college credit (whether at Susquehanna, through transfer course work or AP/ IB) in the language they are continuing to study. Applied language credit may not be used to satisfy the requirement for a major or minor program.
Arabic Studies
Intended for students with no previous experience with the language. An introduction to speaking, reading, listening, and writing in Arabic. Also explores aspects of Arab culture. 4 SH.
Continuation of ARBC-101. An introduction to speaking, reading, listening, and writing in Arabic. Also explores aspects of Arab culture. Prerequisite: ARBC-101 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. CC: Foreign Language.
Chinese Studies
Introduces students to short conversations in Standard (Mandarin) Chinese while laying foundations for further studies of the language. Includes standard pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and writing simple statements. Explores the systems of language and culture of the Chinese people. 4 SH.
Continuation of CHNS-101. Introduces students to short conversations in Standard (Mandarin) Chinese while laying foundations for further studies of the language. Includes standard pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and writing simple statements. Explores the systems of language and culture of the Chinese people. 4 SH. Prerequisite: CHNS-101 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. CC: Foreign Language.
Review and expansion of elementary-level skills to intermediate level. Focus on developing skills needed to improve: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Topics include culture and civilization with emphasis on current issues, comparisons to own cultures, and interdisciplinary perspectives. Prerequisite: CHNS-102 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH.
This is the second part of Intermediate Chinese. It aims to provide students with an authentic and effective language environment and help create a fun Chinese learning experience. It covers four chapters of the textbook on topics such as “sports,” “travel,” “at the airport,” and “new semester.” Students will continue to develop their skills in Chinese by mastering approximately 150 new characters, more complicated expressions, and more advanced grammar. By completing this course, students should be able to communicate with others in the above mentioned daily life situations, read materials of moderate difficulty, and write simple compositions related to the topics. Students will also achieve a better understanding of Chinese culture. Prerequisite: CHNS-201 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH.
French Studies
Intended for both students who are new to the language and students with limited previous experience in the language who have placed into the first-semester level. Focuses on acquisition of core vocabulary and structures useful for completing conversational and writing tasks associated with daily life. Also, development of strategies for reading short, authentic texts in the target language. Includes study of cultural topics. 4 SH. Pre-requisite: placement at FRNC-101 is required.
Continuation of Beginning French I with emphasis on development and application of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Individual and group projects center on cultural dimensions of France and the French-speaking world. Prerequisite: FRNC-101, placement by examination, or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH. Pre-requisite: completion of FRNC-101 or placement at FRNC-102. CC: Foreign Language.
This project-based course will focus on study of cultural issues in contemporary France, along with language study meant to increase students’ proficiency while supporting course discussion and work on projects. The individual and group projects completed in this course will encourage students to bring their own academic and personal interests to bear on the cultural issues under study. Because issues and projects will vary from year to year, FRNC-205 may be taken twice for full credit. FRNC-205 and FRNC-208 may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: FRNC-102. 4 SH.
This project-based course will focus on study of cultural issues in the larger French-speaking world (mostly outside of France, but sometimes addressing issues that arise at the intersection of France and other French-speaking areas), along with language study meant to increase students’ proficiency while supporting course discussion and work on projects. The individual and group projects completed in this course will encourage students to bring their own academic and personal interests to bear on the cultural issues under study. Because issues and projects will vary from year to year, FRNC-208 may be taken twice for full credit. FRNC-205 and FRNC-208 may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: FRNC-102 or equivalent placement. 4 SH. CC: Diversity Intensive.
The focus of this intermediate/advanced course is to develop oral skills in French: develop vocabulary and strategies for engaging actively in a variety of types of conversational interactions, from obtaining information to expressing opinions, to elaborating and defending a position, to explaining ideas. Focus will be on developing the ability to speak spontaneously and at length, and to speak before a group. The course is structured around projects emphasizing various oral skills, including pronunciation and intonation, one of which focuses on organizing and running a French-language outreach event. Prerequisites: 8 credits at the 200-level. Students with equivalent high school or other experience may enroll with instructor approval. 4 SH.
The focus of this course is to practice various genres of writing and to develop skills the art of individual and/or collaborative translation. The course is structured around a central project of translating real-world texts on a cultural topic or theme, and the translation work will involve gaining some understanding of that topic or theme. Writing in various genres will relate to this topic or theme through fact and fiction. Language structures studied in this course will support work on these projects. Prerequisites: 8 SH at the 200-level instructor approval. This course may be taken twice for full credit. CC: Interdisciplinary. 4 SH.
DO NOT USE FOR ACADEMIC PLANNING OR COURSE REGISTRATION. The focus of this course is to practice various genres of writing and to develop skills the art of individual and/or collaborative translation. The course is structured around a central project of translating real-world texts on a cultural topic or theme, and the translation work will involve gaining some understanding of that topic or theme. Writing in various genres will relate to this topic or theme through fact and fiction. Language structures studied in this course will support work on these projects.
Topics vary each semester. Students may take more than one 300-level topics course. Critical study of particular cultural and literary themes and topics related to France and the French-speaking world. Approach and projects will vary with course topics. Prerequisite: FRNC-301 or FRNC-302 or department-approved proficiency. 2-4 SH.
Topics vary each semester. Students may take more than one 460 seminar. These seminars explore selected topics in depth and from the perspective of more than one discipline. Includes discussion of theory and research methods. Research project is a central component of this course. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and completion of semester study abroad. 4 SH. Capstone. CC: Interdisciplinary, Writing Intensive.
Supervised employment in a modern language environment. Prerequisite: Department permission. 4-8 SH.
Prerequisites: 48 semester hours, a cumulative 3.00 or higher GPA, approval of supervising professor and course area department head. 1-4 SH.
Non-credit. Required for all majoring students. Individually scheduled. Taken only in the student’s final semester prior to graduation. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
German Studies
Intended both for students with previous experience in the language but who have not placed above the first-semester level and for students new to the language. Focuses on conversations to acquire a useful core vocabulary, reading graded prose and writing brief sentences. Explores the systems of language, culture and civilization of German-speaking peoples. 4 SH. Pre-requisite: placement at GERM-101.
A continuation of GERM-101. Focuses on conversations to acquire a useful core vocabulary, reading graded prose and writing brief sentences. Explores the systems of language, culture and civilization of German-speaking peoples. Prerequisite: GERM-101, placement by examination, or department-approved proficiency. 4 SH. CC: Foreign Language.
Review and expansion of elementary-level skills to intermediate level. Focus on developing skills needed to improve: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Topics include culture and civilization with emphasis on current issues, comparisons to own cultures and interdisciplinary perspectives. Prerequisite: GERM-102, placement by examination, or equivalent department-approved placement. 4 SH.
Extensive review and expansion of elementary-level skills. Focus on improving all skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Also includes culture and civilization. Prerequisite: GERM-201, placement by examination, or department-approved proficiency. 4 SH. CC: Diversity Intensive.
Language skill development, emphasizing formal speaking and short essay writing. Includes cultural and/or literary materials. Prerequisite: GERM-202 or equivalent departmental-approved proficiency. 4 SH.
Focus on written German (reading and writing), including systematic review of principal grammatical structures. Development of critical thought and expansion of vocabulary through analysis of original German, Austrian, and Swiss texts in various genres and media (including literary, journalistic, and scientific prose, features and documentaries). Enhancement of German composition skills. Designed for students with a functional command of the German language and an understanding of its basic grammatical structures. Prerequisites: GERM 202, or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH.
Critical study of particular topics and forms of Austrian, German, and Swiss literature, culture, and film. Themes and genres will vary according to the interest and expertise of the instructor. Lectures, discussions, and readings in German. Prerequisites: GERM 301 or GERM 302, or equivalent, department-approved proficiency. 4 SH.
Explores selected topics in depth. Research paper required. Prerequisite: A 300-level German course or department-approved proficiency. 4 SH. Capstone. CC: Writing Intensive.
Supervised employment in an appropriate modern language environment. Prerequisite: Department permission. 4-8 SH.
Prerequisites: 48 semester hours, a cumulative 3.00 or higher GPA, approval of supervising professor and course area department head. 1-4 SH. Counts toward the major or minor.
Non-credit. Required for all majoring students. Individually scheduled. Taken only in the student’s final semester prior to graduation. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
Italian Studies
Intended both for students with previous experience in the language but who have not placed above the first-semester level and for students new to the language. Focuses on acquisition of core vocabulary and structures necessary for carrying out short conversations, reading graded prose, and writing brief sentences associated with daily life. Also explores aspects of Italian civilization and culture. Pre-requisite: a placement of ITAL-101 is required. 4 SH.
Focuses on acquisition of core vocabulary and structures necessary for carrying out short conversations, reading graded prose, and writing brief sentences associated with daily life. Also explores aspects of Italian civilization and culture. Prerequisite: ITAL-101 or equivalent department-approved placement. 4 SH. CC: Foreign Language.
This intermediate-level course involves the exploration of a variety of themes related to Italian culture and civilization (e.g. immigration, family, politics, etc.). The approach used is theme-driven content-based instruction. It is designed to increase your language proficiency in Italian through the study of content focused on themes of particular importance in Italian culture and civilization. The course may be repeated for credit as the theme varies from year to year. ITAL-2THM and ITAL-2TPC may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: ITAL-102 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH
This intermediate-level course involves the exploration of a specific topic related to Italian culture and civilization (e.g. Italian regional culture; Italian history through film, etc.). The approach used is topic-driven content-based instruction. It is designed to increase your language proficiency in Italian through the study of content focused on a broad topic of particular importance in Italian culture and civilization. The course may be repeated for credit as the topic varies from year to year. ITAL-2TPC and ITAL-2THM may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: ITAL-102 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH
This advanced-level course involves the exploration of a variety of themes related to Italian culture and civilization (e.g. immigration, family, politics, etc.). The approach used is theme-driven content-based instruction. It is designed to continue to increase your language proficiency in Italian through the study of content focused on themes of particular importance in Italian culture and civilization. The course may be repeated for credit as the theme varies from year to year. ITAL-3THM and ITAL-3TPC may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: Two intermediate-level Italian courses or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH
ITAL-3THM Advanced Themes in Culture and Civ. This advanced-level course involves the exploration of a variety of themes related to Italian culture and civilization (e.g. immigration, family, politics, etc.). The approach used is theme-driven content-based instruction. It is designed to continue to increase your language proficiency in Italian through the study of content focused on themes of particular importance in Italian culture and civilization. The course may be repeated for credit as the theme varies from year to year. ITAL-3THM and ITAL-3TPC may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: Two intermediate-level Italian courses or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH
Prerequisites: 48 semester hours, a cumulative 3.00 or higher GPA, and approval of supervising instructor and course area department head. 1-4 SH. Counts toward the major or minor.
Spanish Studies
Intended both for students with previous experience in the language who have not placed above the first-semester level and for students new to the language. Focuses on acquisition of core vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary for basic communication so students can carry out brief conversations, write about daily life, and explore short culture-based readings in Spanish. Placement at SPAN-101 (or 103) is required. 4 SH.
Continuation of SPAN-101. Focuses on the continued acquisition of core vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary for basic communication so students can further develop their skills for brief conversations, writing about daily life, and exploring short culture-based readings in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN-101 or equivalent department-approved placement. 4 SH. CC: Foreign Language.
Review and expansion of elementary-level language and cultural skills to the intermediate level. Prerequisite: SPAN-102, placement by examination or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH.
A continuation of SPAN-201, and the first course for the minor and major, this course focuses on grammar structures not covered in 201 and further develops students’ language and cultural skills at the intermediate level in preparation for 300-level coursework. Topics of current interest in the Hispanic world form the basis of course activities. Prerequisite: SPAN-201 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH.
SPAN-300 Spanish for Heritage Speakers This course addresses the specific language skills most relevant to heritage Spanish speakers (students who have been exposed to Spanish informally or in domestic environments). It focuses on the acquisition and improvement of critical communication in Spanish. Using materials taken from a variety of real-life contexts primarily emphasizing U.S. Latinx communities, the course aims to sharpen heritage speakers’ sociolinguistic competency and ability to interpret musical, cinematic, and literary works in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN-202 or equivalent department-approved proficiency or interview with the professor. 4 SH.
Develops communicative abilities at the advanced level along with knowledge of the Hispanic world. Emphasis on building oral proficiency. Prerequisite: SPAN-202 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. Required for the major. 4 SH.
Reinforces the fundamental grammar studied previously and introduces more advanced structures. Emphasis on development of writing skills. Prerequisite: SPAN-202 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. Required for the major. 4 SH.
In-depth study of a selected topic of interest for both majors and minors. Prerequisite: SPAN-300 or -301, and SPAN-302 or equivalent department-approved proficiency. CC: Diversity Intensive. 4 SH.
In depth study of a selected topic of interest for majors. Research paper required. Prerequisite: Senior standing or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH. Capstone. CC: Writing Intensive.
In depth study of a selected topic of interest for majors. Hispanic-American encompasses both Spanish America and Hispanic cultures in the United States. Prerequisite: Senior standing or equivalent department-approved proficiency. 4 SH. Capstone. CC: Writing Intensive.
Supervised employment in an appropriate modern language environment. Prerequisite: Department permission. 4-8 SH.
Prerequisites: 48 semester hours, a cumulative 3.00 or higher GPA, approval of supervising instructor and course area department head. 1-4 SH. Counts toward the major and minor.
Non-credit. Required for all majoring students. Individually scheduled. Taken only in the student’s final semester prior to graduation. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
Courses Taught in English
This course is designed to provide an introduction to the field of applied linguistics In particular, this course is an introduction to the study of language as applied to real-world problems in specific situations in which people use and learn languages, e.g. language learning and teaching, intercultural communication, bilingualism and multilingualism, language policy and planning, language, power, and politics to name a few. The course explores such questions as how do people acquire a language that is not their own, and how does this affect their social and cultural identity? What is the role of computer-assisted language learning in the language classroom? How are the issues of bilingual and multilingual education addressed at both the educational and political level? 4 SH.
This course is an introduction to the science of linguistics and its subcomponents, including syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics, phonology, historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. It is designed specifically for those completing a minor in applied language studies, but the course is open to others interested in this field of inquiry. Prerequisite: Completion of language study through the 202 level or equivalent placement. 4 SH.
This course is designed as an introduction to how first and, in particular, second languages are learned. Students will contrast how first and second language acquisition differ from one another and begin to fathom the cognitive differences between child and adult language learning. Students will gain an understanding of the historical development of language acquisition theories and how they have led to modern hypotheses on language learning. Theories will be approached from both learning and pedagogical perspectives, with the hope that sudents will be able to utilize what they learn to analyze and ameliorate both their ability to learn and to teach a second/additional language. Prerequisite: Completion of language study through the 202 level or equivalent placement preferred. 4 SH.
An opportunity for students to collaborate with a professor by assisting in one of the language courses offered through the Modern Languages Department to gain insight into language learning and teaching. Expectations and responsibilities will vary depending on the course in question, the needs of the professor, and the goals of the student. Generally, they will include attendance and participation in the class in which the student is assisting and regular meetings with the supervising instructor. This course may be taken multiple times for credit. Prerequisites: A minimum of one semester abroad in a program in which all coursework is done in the target language; approval by the supervising instructor. 1-2 SH.
Supervised employment in an appropriate modern language environment. Students may choose to take LANG-504 under the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option, in which case they must earn a ‘Satisfactory’ grade. Prerequisite: Department permission. 2 SH.
Associate Professor of Spanish Studies
Email Address meixell@mypersonalfriends.net
Phone Number 570-372-4258
Associate Professor of Italian Studies
Director of Applied Language Studies
Department Head of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Email Address rodgers@mypersonalfriends.net
Phone Number 570-372-4693