Jeffrey Graham, Ph.D.
Math and Computer Sciences
- PHD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- MS, Texas Tech University
- BS, Iowa State University of Science & Technology
Associate Professor Math and Computer Science
Contact Information
Phone Number570-372-4467
Office LocationFisher Hall - Rm 312

I grew up in little towns in Iowa. How little? Well, the last town I lived in had a population of 150. My high school graduating class had 20 people in it, which means I was the top 5 percent of my graduating class. That was good for a $100 scholarship for my first year at Iowa State University.
I started college majoring in computer engineering, but after two and a half years I switched majors to math and computer science. Math because I liked it, computer science more because I thought it would be a good degree if I went looking for work. I did my graduate work in math, but I still do computer science related stuff. My interests lie mostly in a dusty corner of the place where math and computer science overlap.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
PhD Mathematics, 1992. Dissertation : Two Dimensional Scattering and Invariant Imbedding.
Dissertation Advisor : Margaret Cheney
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
MS Mathematics, 1986. Master’s Thesis : Long Term Stability of Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
Thesis Advisor : Clyde Martin
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
BS 1984. Majors in Computer Science and Mathematics
Work Experience
Susquehanna University
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
Acting Head of Phyics 2009 - 2014
Associate Professor and Head Of Mathematical Sciences 2007- present.
Assistant Professor, 2001 - 2007.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, North Carolina
Assistant Professor, 1992 - 1998.
Tenured Assistant Professor, 1998 - 2001.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
Teaching Assistant, 1986 - 1992.
Classes taugh : See attached sheet
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Teaching Assistant , 1984 - 1986.
Classes taught: See attached sheet.
Professional Development
Graham, Jeff, Using Inverse Problems as Projects in Differential Equations Course in the Electric Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics, online, (1995)
Graham, Jeff, Using Visual Basic to Create GUI’s for MATLAB in the Electronic Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics, online, (1996)
Graham, Jeff and Barnes, Julia, A Laboratory Experience for Students of Differential Equations Using an RLC Circuit PRIMUS Vol VII Number 4 (1997) pp334-340.
Graham, Jeff, Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class, in the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics. (1997)
Graham, Jeff, Regression Using Excel’s Solver in the Electronic Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics, online, (2000)
Graham, Jeff, Self-Integrating Polynomials, The College Math Journal, Vol. 36 No. 4 September 2005 p.318-320
Graham, Jeff, Lerch, Michael Parameter Recovery for a Differential Equation Model, PRIMUS, XVII(2): p.148-156, 2007.*Graham, Jeff; Hack, Alan; Wilson, Jennifer An Application of Burnside’s Theorem to Music Theory, The UMAP Journal 29 (1) p. 61 - 73, 2008.*
Frey, M. R., Miller, A. K., Mentch, L. K., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score Operators of a Qubit and Some Applications. Quantum Information Processing, 9(5), 629-641.
Frey, M., Miller, A., Mentch, L., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score operators of a qubit with applications. Proceedings of the Physical and Engineering Sciences Section, 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, 1107-1117.
Winegar, L. T., Ramsaran, D., Graham, J. A. (2011). Collaborative Leadership: Negotiating the Minefield. The Department Chair, 21(2), 19-22.
Graham, J., Richie, N. (2014). The Binomial Option Pricing Model. UMAP Journal 35.1, 23-39.
[1] Entries with * indicate a publication with a student.
I reviewed 9 books for the Mathematical Association of American Book Reviews.
1. Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences by Ronald Mickens Reviewed March, 2005.
2. Problems and Solutions in Scientific Computing by Willi-Hans Steeb et al. Reviewed March, 2005.
3. Ants, Bikes, and Clocks: Problem Solving for Undergraduates by William Briggs Reviewed May, 2005.
4. Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB by S. Otto and J. Denier. Reviewed May, 2005.
5. Iterative Methods for Approximate Solution of Inverse Problems by A.B. Bakushinsky Reviewed January, 2006.
6. Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by David Powers. Reviewed February, 2006.
7. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by K.W. Morton and D.F.Mayers. Reviewed March, 2006.
8. The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Granville Sewill. Reviewed March, 2006.
9. Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations, 2nd Ed by John Strikwerda. Reviewed July, 2006.
3/24/93 “Determining the Numerical Rank of a Matrix “, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
10/20/93 “Some Applications of the Mean Value Theorem”, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
11/18/95 “Using Inverse Problems as Projects in Differential Equations Course”, presented at the 8th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Houston, Texas.
5/3/96 “Using Inverse Problems as Projects in Differential Equations Course”, invited talk presented at the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas. This was an expanded version of the talk given in Houston.
11/8/96 “Using Visual Basic to Create GUI’s for MATLAB”, presented at the 9th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Reno, Nevada.
8/2/97 “A Closer Look at Polynomial Interpolation and the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem”, presented at the Mathematical Association of America’s MathFest held in Atlanta, Georgia.
11/8/97 “Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class”, presented at the 10th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Chicago, Illinois.
11/17/00 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, presented at the 13th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Atlanta, Georgia.
3/22/01 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, presented at 2001 North Carolina Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges held at Isothermal Community College Spindale, NC.
3/31/01 “Spreadsheet Activities for your Math Class”, presented at Southeast Section of Mathematical Association of America held in Montgomery, Alabama.
8/03/02 “Integration in L2[0,1] is Almost Easy”, presented at the Mathematical Association of America’s Mathfest held in Burlington, Vermont.
8/05/02 “The Mystery of fxxfyy - (fxy)2 Solved”, presented at the Mathematical Association of America’s Mathfest held in Burlington, Vermont.
Conferences Attended
4/2-3/93 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Southeast Regional Meeting held at Coastal Carolina University.
6/6-18/93 Funded by NSF to participate in the Summer Seminar sponsored by the American Mathematical Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics held at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts.
1/12/94 Attended the American Mathematical Society - Mathematical Association of America Joint Conference at Cincinnati, Ohio.
4/94 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Southeast Section meeting at Carson Newman College.
11/95 Attended the 8th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics in Houston, Texas.
3/96 Attended Southeast Section meeting of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics held in Clemson South Carolina.
11/96 Attended the 9th International Conference on Technology in Collage Mathematics in Reno, Nevada
8/97 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Mathfest in Atlanta, Georgia.
11/97 Attended the 10th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics in Chicago, Illinois.
11/00 Attended the 13th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics in Atlanta, Georgia.
3/01 Attended the 2001 meeting of the NCMATCYC at Isothermal Community College in Spindale, North Carolina.
3/01 Attended the 2001 meeting of the Southeast Section of the MAA at Montgomery, Alabama.
8/02 Attended Mathematical Association of America’s Mathfest at Burlington, Vermont.
7/03 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Professional Development workshop “Creating Courses that Integrate Mathematics and Biology” at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.
8/03 Attended SENCER conference in San Jose, California
4/05 Attended NCUR in Lexington, Virginia
NSF travel grant, $850, to cover expenses incurred attending the American Mathematical Society Summer Seminar held at Mount Holyoke College. (1993)
WCU Microgrant, $400, to participate in Mini Course at a conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio. (1993)
Macsyma Academic Grant Program, $5500 from Macsyma, Incorporated. (1995)
Microsoft Academic Cooperative Instructional Lab Grant 97696, $103,250 (1997)
SU Minigrant ,$500, to cover expenses in attending the MAA Prep program at Holland MI (2003)
SU Faculty Research Grant, $3000, Course Release to work on bee behavior model in the spring semester 2005.
Instructor under the Susquehanna University/ CSIU Teacher training grant June 2006, 2007, 2008.
Co-PI on NSF REU grant, total award $150,000. Summers 2008 - 2009.
PI on NSF REU grant (same as above) 2010.
I served on the Admissions Committee for the academic year 2004-2005.
I served on University Council for the academic year 2005 - 2006.
I served on Faculty Development and Research from 2002 - 2004.
I have served on four department search committees.
I served on a search committee for Information Systems position Spring 2003.
I served on the Core Working Group in the Summer of 2006.
I served on the editorial board of the SU Press from 2002 - 2009.
I have served on the Education Committee from 2005 - present.
Acting Department Head Spring 2004
Coordinated and wrote the department’s response to the Department of Education review Spring 2004 - Fall 2005.
Appointed Head of Mathematical Sciences effective Fall 2007.
Served on Physics Search Committee Spring 2007.
Appointed Acting Head of Physics, July 2008. Started serving as such January 2009.
Reader of Advanced Placement Statistics exams for the summers of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007.
Wrote the proposals to include Math 108, Math 111, Math112, Math 201, and Math 221 as Analytic Thought courses for the Central Curriculum.
Wrote proposals for Math 300, CS 300 to be new interdisciplinary courses for the Central Curriculum.
Wrote proposal for Math 500 to be oral intensive
Served on the Sustainability Committee 2009 - 2010.
Computer Skills
Programming languages: C/C++, Fortran, Visual Basic, VBA, HTML, Javascript, NetLogo, Python, R
Packages: MATLAB, MS Excel, Latex
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows 7
List of Courses Taught
At Susquehanna University
Math 105 Math and Music *,#
Math 105 Math and Voting *,#
Math 105 Iteration, Fractals, and Chaos*,#
Math 105 # Number Theory
Math 111 Calculus I
Math 112 Calculus II
Math 201 Linear Algebra
Math 108 Introduction to Statistics
Math 221 Discrete Structures #
Math 353 Differential Equations
CS 181 Principles of Computing
CS 151 Introduction to Programming#
CS 200 Multi-agent Modeling*
CS 281 Data Structures
CS 282 Computer Organization#
CS 351 Numerical Computing
CS 352 Numerical Analysis
CS 381 Algorithms #
CS 482 Theory of Computation #
CS 488 Computer Architecture #
PD 104 Core Perspectives*,#
* Courses I developed from scratch.
# Courses I taught for the first time.
At Western Carolina University
Math 101 Liberal Arts math
Math 130 College Algebra
Math145 Trigonometry
Math 146 Pre Calculus
Math 153 Calculus I
Math 170 Introduction to Statistics
Math 255 Calculus II
Math 256 Calculus III
Math 320 Differential Equations
Math 350 Operations Research
Math 441 Numerical Analysis
Math 462 Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 479 Capstone (directing Senior theses)
Math 508 Survey of Analysis
Math 640 Numerical Differential Equations
Math 646 Numerical Linear Algebra
CS 130 Introduction to Computers (Computer literacy including MS WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, HTML, JavaScript, Visual Basic)
CS 150 Introduction to Programming (used C++)
CS 151 Data Structures (used C++)
CS 301 Topics in Computer Languages (Visual Basic)
CS 340 Introduction to Scientific Computing (used MATLAB and MS EXCEL)
- CSCI-151: Introduction to Programming
- CSCI-181: Principles of Computer Science
- CSCI-500: Senior Colloquium
- CSCI-502: Independent Study
- FYSE-101: First Year Seminar
- MATH-108: Introduction to Statistics
- MATH-111: Calculus I
- MATH-112: Calculus II
- MATH-180: Statistical Methods
- MATH-201: Linear Algebra
- MATH-211: Multivariate Calculus
- MATH-231: Foundations of Analysis
- MATH-353: Differential Equations
- MATH-415: Complex Analysis
- MATH-500: Senior Colloquium
- MATH-502: Independent Study
- MATH-599: Mathematics Internship
About Me
I grew up in little towns in Iowa. How little? Well, the last town I lived in had a population of 150. My high school graduating class had 20 people in it, which means I was the top 5 percent of my graduating class. That was good for a $100 scholarship for my first year at Iowa State University.
I started college majoring in computer engineering, but after two and a half years I switched majors to math and computer science. Math because I liked it, computer science more because I thought it would be a good degree if I went looking for work. I did my graduate work in math, but I still do computer science related stuff. My interests lie mostly in a dusty corner of the place where math and computer science overlap.
Professional Experience
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
PhD Mathematics, 1992. Dissertation : Two Dimensional Scattering and Invariant Imbedding.
Dissertation Advisor : Margaret Cheney
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
MS Mathematics, 1986. Master’s Thesis : Long Term Stability of Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
Thesis Advisor : Clyde Martin
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
BS 1984. Majors in Computer Science and Mathematics
Work Experience
Susquehanna University
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
Acting Head of Phyics 2009 - 2014
Associate Professor and Head Of Mathematical Sciences 2007- present.
Assistant Professor, 2001 - 2007.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, North Carolina
Assistant Professor, 1992 - 1998.
Tenured Assistant Professor, 1998 - 2001.
Classes Taught: See attached sheet
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
Teaching Assistant, 1986 - 1992.
Classes taugh : See attached sheet
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Teaching Assistant , 1984 - 1986.
Classes taught: See attached sheet.
Professional Development
Graham, Jeff, Using Inverse Problems as Projects in Differential Equations Course in the Electric Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics, online, (1995)
Graham, Jeff, Using Visual Basic to Create GUI’s for MATLAB in the Electronic Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics, online, (1996)
Graham, Jeff and Barnes, Julia, A Laboratory Experience for Students of Differential Equations Using an RLC Circuit PRIMUS Vol VII Number 4 (1997) pp334-340.
Graham, Jeff, Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class, in the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics. (1997)
Graham, Jeff, Regression Using Excel’s Solver in the Electronic Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics, online, (2000)
Graham, Jeff, Self-Integrating Polynomials, The College Math Journal, Vol. 36 No. 4 September 2005 p.318-320
Graham, Jeff, Lerch, Michael Parameter Recovery for a Differential Equation Model, PRIMUS, XVII(2): p.148-156, 2007.*Graham, Jeff; Hack, Alan; Wilson, Jennifer An Application of Burnside’s Theorem to Music Theory, The UMAP Journal 29 (1) p. 61 - 73, 2008.*
Frey, M. R., Miller, A. K., Mentch, L. K., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score Operators of a Qubit and Some Applications. Quantum Information Processing, 9(5), 629-641.
Frey, M., Miller, A., Mentch, L., Graham, J. A. (2010). Score operators of a qubit with applications. Proceedings of the Physical and Engineering Sciences Section, 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, 1107-1117.
Winegar, L. T., Ramsaran, D., Graham, J. A. (2011). Collaborative Leadership: Negotiating the Minefield. The Department Chair, 21(2), 19-22.
Graham, J., Richie, N. (2014). The Binomial Option Pricing Model. UMAP Journal 35.1, 23-39.
[1] Entries with * indicate a publication with a student.
I reviewed 9 books for the Mathematical Association of American Book Reviews.
1. Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences by Ronald Mickens Reviewed March, 2005.
2. Problems and Solutions in Scientific Computing by Willi-Hans Steeb et al. Reviewed March, 2005.
3. Ants, Bikes, and Clocks: Problem Solving for Undergraduates by William Briggs Reviewed May, 2005.
4. Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB by S. Otto and J. Denier. Reviewed May, 2005.
5. Iterative Methods for Approximate Solution of Inverse Problems by A.B. Bakushinsky Reviewed January, 2006.
6. Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by David Powers. Reviewed February, 2006.
7. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by K.W. Morton and D.F.Mayers. Reviewed March, 2006.
8. The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Granville Sewill. Reviewed March, 2006.
9. Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations, 2nd Ed by John Strikwerda. Reviewed July, 2006.
3/24/93 “Determining the Numerical Rank of a Matrix “, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
10/20/93 “Some Applications of the Mean Value Theorem”, Departmental Colloquium given at Western Carolina University.
11/18/95 “Using Inverse Problems as Projects in Differential Equations Course”, presented at the 8th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Houston, Texas.
5/3/96 “Using Inverse Problems as Projects in Differential Equations Course”, invited talk presented at the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas. This was an expanded version of the talk given in Houston.
11/8/96 “Using Visual Basic to Create GUI’s for MATLAB”, presented at the 9th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Reno, Nevada.
8/2/97 “A Closer Look at Polynomial Interpolation and the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem”, presented at the Mathematical Association of America’s MathFest held in Atlanta, Georgia.
11/8/97 “Some Tools for a Scientific Computing Class”, presented at the 10th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Chicago, Illinois.
11/17/00 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, presented at the 13th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics held in Atlanta, Georgia.
3/22/01 “Regression Using Excel’s Solver”, presented at 2001 North Carolina Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges held at Isothermal Community College Spindale, NC.
3/31/01 “Spreadsheet Activities for your Math Class”, presented at Southeast Section of Mathematical Association of America held in Montgomery, Alabama.
8/03/02 “Integration in L2[0,1] is Almost Easy”, presented at the Mathematical Association of America’s Mathfest held in Burlington, Vermont.
8/05/02 “The Mystery of fxxfyy - (fxy)2 Solved”, presented at the Mathematical Association of America’s Mathfest held in Burlington, Vermont.
Conferences Attended
4/2-3/93 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Southeast Regional Meeting held at Coastal Carolina University.
6/6-18/93 Funded by NSF to participate in the Summer Seminar sponsored by the American Mathematical Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics held at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts.
1/12/94 Attended the American Mathematical Society - Mathematical Association of America Joint Conference at Cincinnati, Ohio.
4/94 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Southeast Section meeting at Carson Newman College.
11/95 Attended the 8th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics in Houston, Texas.
3/96 Attended Southeast Section meeting of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics held in Clemson South Carolina.
11/96 Attended the 9th International Conference on Technology in Collage Mathematics in Reno, Nevada
8/97 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Mathfest in Atlanta, Georgia.
11/97 Attended the 10th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics in Chicago, Illinois.
11/00 Attended the 13th International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics in Atlanta, Georgia.
3/01 Attended the 2001 meeting of the NCMATCYC at Isothermal Community College in Spindale, North Carolina.
3/01 Attended the 2001 meeting of the Southeast Section of the MAA at Montgomery, Alabama.
8/02 Attended Mathematical Association of America’s Mathfest at Burlington, Vermont.
7/03 Attended the Mathematical Association of America Professional Development workshop “Creating Courses that Integrate Mathematics and Biology” at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.
8/03 Attended SENCER conference in San Jose, California
4/05 Attended NCUR in Lexington, Virginia
NSF travel grant, $850, to cover expenses incurred attending the American Mathematical Society Summer Seminar held at Mount Holyoke College. (1993)
WCU Microgrant, $400, to participate in Mini Course at a conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio. (1993)
Macsyma Academic Grant Program, $5500 from Macsyma, Incorporated. (1995)
Microsoft Academic Cooperative Instructional Lab Grant 97696, $103,250 (1997)
SU Minigrant ,$500, to cover expenses in attending the MAA Prep program at Holland MI (2003)
SU Faculty Research Grant, $3000, Course Release to work on bee behavior model in the spring semester 2005.
Instructor under the Susquehanna University/ CSIU Teacher training grant June 2006, 2007, 2008.
Co-PI on NSF REU grant, total award $150,000. Summers 2008 - 2009.
PI on NSF REU grant (same as above) 2010.
I served on the Admissions Committee for the academic year 2004-2005.
I served on University Council for the academic year 2005 - 2006.
I served on Faculty Development and Research from 2002 - 2004.
I have served on four department search committees.
I served on a search committee for Information Systems position Spring 2003.
I served on the Core Working Group in the Summer of 2006.
I served on the editorial board of the SU Press from 2002 - 2009.
I have served on the Education Committee from 2005 - present.
Acting Department Head Spring 2004
Coordinated and wrote the department’s response to the Department of Education review Spring 2004 - Fall 2005.
Appointed Head of Mathematical Sciences effective Fall 2007.
Served on Physics Search Committee Spring 2007.
Appointed Acting Head of Physics, July 2008. Started serving as such January 2009.
Reader of Advanced Placement Statistics exams for the summers of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007.
Wrote the proposals to include Math 108, Math 111, Math112, Math 201, and Math 221 as Analytic Thought courses for the Central Curriculum.
Wrote proposals for Math 300, CS 300 to be new interdisciplinary courses for the Central Curriculum.
Wrote proposal for Math 500 to be oral intensive
Served on the Sustainability Committee 2009 - 2010.
Computer Skills
Programming languages: C/C++, Fortran, Visual Basic, VBA, HTML, Javascript, NetLogo, Python, R
Packages: MATLAB, MS Excel, Latex
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows 7
List of Courses Taught
At Susquehanna University
Math 105 Math and Music *,#
Math 105 Math and Voting *,#
Math 105 Iteration, Fractals, and Chaos*,#
Math 105 # Number Theory
Math 111 Calculus I
Math 112 Calculus II
Math 201 Linear Algebra
Math 108 Introduction to Statistics
Math 221 Discrete Structures #
Math 353 Differential Equations
CS 181 Principles of Computing
CS 151 Introduction to Programming#
CS 200 Multi-agent Modeling*
CS 281 Data Structures
CS 282 Computer Organization#
CS 351 Numerical Computing
CS 352 Numerical Analysis
CS 381 Algorithms #
CS 482 Theory of Computation #
CS 488 Computer Architecture #
PD 104 Core Perspectives*,#
* Courses I developed from scratch.
# Courses I taught for the first time.
At Western Carolina University
Math 101 Liberal Arts math
Math 130 College Algebra
Math145 Trigonometry
Math 146 Pre Calculus
Math 153 Calculus I
Math 170 Introduction to Statistics
Math 255 Calculus II
Math 256 Calculus III
Math 320 Differential Equations
Math 350 Operations Research
Math 441 Numerical Analysis
Math 462 Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 479 Capstone (directing Senior theses)
Math 508 Survey of Analysis
Math 640 Numerical Differential Equations
Math 646 Numerical Linear Algebra
CS 130 Introduction to Computers (Computer literacy including MS WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, HTML, JavaScript, Visual Basic)
CS 150 Introduction to Programming (used C++)
CS 151 Data Structures (used C++)
CS 301 Topics in Computer Languages (Visual Basic)
CS 340 Introduction to Scientific Computing (used MATLAB and MS EXCEL)